Sunday, October 5, 2014


Manipulating Ideas
1. Apply SCAMPER. The first part of this assignment was to apply SCAMPER, which is a tool that helps to manipulate ideas and brainstorm. It's an acronym that stands for substitute, combine, adapt. magnify/modify, put to other use, eliminate and reverse/rearrange. I was supposed to apply SCAMPER to an archetypical product related to my problem statements on sexual health (access and privacy.) I chose a condom holder/case:
The archetypical product: A condom holder.

Substitute. Can I replace or change any parts? Can I replace someone involved? Can the rules be changed? Can I use other ingredients or materials? Can I use other processes or procedures? Can I change its shape? Can I change its color, roughness, sound or smell? What if I change its name? Can I substitute one part for another? Can I use this idea in a different place? Can I change my feelings or attitude towards it? Can I change my perspective? Can the packaging be changed? Can I use a different energy source?

  • Worn on the body (bracelet, belt, etc.)
  • Made of tin like a vintage tin box
  • Made of flexible rubber/plastic
  • Trending colors and prints
  • Shaped like an animal, fruit, etc.
  • On a key ring
  • Make discrete, but obvious (carry around, but people don't know what it is)
  • Made of leather and shaped like an envelope  
Leather Condom Holder Key Chain

Combine. What ideas or parts can be combined? Can I combine or recombine its parts’ purposes? Can I combine or merge it with other objects? What can be combined to maximize the number of uses? What materials could be combined? Can I combine different talents to improve it?

Association Map
  • Double-Decker opening to hold other things
  • Compartments to hold mints, chapstick, mirror etc.
  • Wallet with built in condom pocket/holder
  • Holder also holds lubricant

Double Decker Condom Holder

Adapt. What else is like it? Is there something similar, but in a different context? Does the past offer any lessons with similar ideas? What other ideas does it suggest? What could I copy, borrow or steal? Whom could I emulate? What ideas could I incorporate? What processes can be adapted? What different contexts can I put my concept in? What ideas outside my field can I incorporate?

  • Round holder with a twist off top
  • A personal dispenser that dispenses them without the wrapper, like anti-bacterial wipes
  • Booklet holder with different types of condoms
  • Dispenses like a tape dispenser

Booklet Condom Holder with Different Types of Condoms

What can you add? What can be extended? Can it be done faster? Can it be used more often? What can be magnified or made larger? What can be exaggerated or overstated? What can be made higher, bigger or stronger? Can I increase its frequency? What can be duplicated? Can I make multiple copies? Can I add extra features or somehow add extra value? Can it do more things?

  • Electric dispenser (portable or bedside)
  • Fold-able carrier that allows you to carry multiple condoms
  • Speakers/dispenser combo for room (makes discrete)
  • Alarm clock condom dispenser (by bedside and discrete)
  • Throw pillow shaped and printed like condom wrapper with a pocket for condoms (humorous and quirky)
Alarm Clock/Bedside Condom Dispenser

Put to other use. What else can it be used for? Can it be used by people other than those it was originally intended for? How would a child use it? An older person? How would people with different disabilities use it? Are there new ways to use it in its current shape or form? Are there other possible uses if it’s modified? If I knew nothing about it, would I figure out the purpose of this idea? Can I use this idea in other markets or industries? What else can it be made from?

  • Birth control pill/condom holder
  • Humor connected to it, would buy as a "collectible" 

Humorous Collectible Condoms and Holders

Eliminate. How can I simplify it? What parts can be removed without altering its function? What’s non-essential or unnecessary? Can the rules be eliminated? What if I made it smaller? What feature can I understate or omit? Should I split it into different parts? Can I compact or make it smaller? What if it had less of something?

  • Simple leather pocket
  • Condom "clip," can clip to pocket, wallet, purse etc.
  • Condom without obvious packaging, just round plastic covering

Condom Clip

Reverse/Rearrange. What other arrangement might be better? Changing Layout? Can I interchange components? Are there other patterns, layouts or sequences I can use? Can I transpose cause and effect? Can I change pace or change the schedule of delivery? Can I transpose positives and negatives? Should I turn it around? Up instead of down? Down instead of up? What if I consider it backwards? Inside out? What if I try doing the exact opposite of what I originally intended?

  • Condom packaging that helps to put condom on correctly
  • Condom holder that helps to put condom on correctly
  • Obvious design/shape of holder; like condom wrapper
  • Condom delivery 

 Condom Holder that helps to put condom on correctly

2. Table-Based Tool. The second part of the assignment is to use a matrix tool to generate more ideas. I used both an HIT matrix and a TILMAG matrix to come up with some ideas:

HIT Matrix

Ideas from tables:

Belt Condom Holder

Condom Packaging like Vintage Gum

Leather Condom Holder Wallet Insert

3. Review Top Rated Brainstorm Ideas. The third part of the assignment was to review the top ten highest rated ideas from the brainstorm session. Overall, the top ten ideas were all pretty good, but there were only a few that I could actually see as products that would pass the Novel, Valuable and Feasible Test. Here are the ideas I think I worth keeping:
Minimalist Branding on Sexual Health Products
I really like this idea, and think that it could lead to some very good designs for new packaging and marketing for sexual health products such as condoms, lubricants and toys. I think a very tasteful, classy image for these types of products would help eliminate some of the stigma that surrounds purchasing these items.
Vending Machine for Sexual Health Products
Though this has been done before, I think that a redesign of what is currently available could be a very successful way to make sexual health products available to college students. I would want the design of the machines to be very tasteful and minimal. I think some kind of advocacy marketing/campaign to go along with these machines would be good to. If they were in easily accessible areas for college students such as dorm bathrooms and around the campus, it could be very successful. Also, this idea takes away the interaction with another person while purchasing the products, which so many college students find to be awkward.
Monthly Sexual Health Product Gift Boxes
I like this idea. Like the now trending monthly subscriptions you can have to companies that send you new product samples each month, I think this could have a similar concept. The gift boxes could include different types of condoms, lubricant samples, small toys, etc. It could be an easy way for college students to try new sexual health products, but they wouldn't have to go to the store to purchase the items they might find uncomfortable to purchase. They could also come in discrete packaging. 
4. Top Ten Ideas! The last part of the assignment was to choose my top ten ideas for products from any week. Here they are:


  1. I like your text to go along with your SCAMPER. I think it very clearly walks the reader through your though process and shows how you came up with your ideas. Additionally, I think your sketches are very well done; the color and detail of the sketches make it easy to visualize what the product would actually be like.

    I wish you would have done some form of NVF test or some form of documentation of what led you to chose the ideas you did for your top 10.

    What if you had included pictures in this blog post of the original blue sky brainstorming ideas that you used to show how they evolved into their final stage?

  2. I like you drawings, they are colorful and neat.

    I wish you could talk about how you used the box tool to come up with the ideas.

    What if you make some prototype of your products?
