Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Decision Process for Idea Selection
 Top Five Ideas

Pugh Chart. 


Selected Idea. Based on the Pugh chart and some thought I selected my final product idea: A Sexual Health Vending Machine. I think this idea best addresses the sexual health needs and wants of college students and it's also an idea that I'm passionate about and see a lot of potential with.

Elevator Pitch. 30 second video of my rough elevator pitch for Thursday.


1 comment:

  1. My biggest critique of this pitch is it's length. You have a lot of great information here, but you'll most likely be cut off after the minute mark, which is when you really start to get to the mean of your presentation. Here are some ways to shorten it up:

    1. The NYC/STD statistic is really grabbing, but you could probably consolidate that into "8.5 million people per year are diagnosed with STDs every put that in perspective, that's a million more than the population of NYC."

    2. I'd drop everything between your attention grabber and the part where you start to talk about availability/awkwardness.

    Overall, your speech is really engaging and convincing. For tomorrow, don't forget to practice off script. It's fine for this round of video pitches, but I noticed you glancing at (what I assume is) a script on your computer screen, so don't forget to practice off script. In my experience, it's best to memorize 2-3 key transitions that take you through the main sections of your pitch, and then practice with bullet points for the points you want to hit rather than working through an entire speech. Good luck tomorrow!
